Monday, October 10, 2011

toilet signs

I snapped these in a little pub in Maitland NSW
I think they are the BEST I have ever seen, so much better than "Lads and Lassies" and other nauseating alteratives

Please excuse the quality as they were taken on my phone. I have a stoopid phone not a smart phone

I would love to see what the designer could give us for a breastfeeding room sign!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is what arriving home looks like

The two older Kids are horrified at the thought they might have to clean the car! The cheery guy in the pic is Taff. We travelled 4817 km in 15 days!

I don't know where to start

what to put in the washing machine
what to put away
why the lego has grown while we were away
what to eat

OK calmer now - amazing what a cup of tea will do
Copy all photos onto computer and back it up
Unpacked suitcase
Not even LOOKING in the Kids room
Bills and dockets can wait till tomorrow

Here is something cool we saw today in Emerald - it is the biggest Van Gogh Sunflower painting in the world!

And we turned over our Van Gogh calendar today and guess what the picture is? The church out of the Doctor Who episode! So we are having a very arty and Whovian day